Should I buy a GPS watch or laser rangefinder?

GPS watch or laser is often the predicament golfers find themselves in when it comes to purchasing a distance measuring device (DMD) and both are great products for any golfer. They are two very different products to use, but both provide the golfer with distances to certain features of a golf course/hole.
Reduce your Handicap – 5hcp Law of Averages

Next up in the Law of Averages series, we have the 5hcp golfer! As always, top level statistics and areas to possibly shave some strokes. Previously we have looked at the stats of 10hcp, 15hcp, 20hcp, and more to see how the stats change from benchmark to benchmark. Here are the stats of a typical […]
Understanding your Shot Scope Statistics

With over 100 performance statistics available to our shot tracking users, some may find themselves wondering where to look – fear not this blog has you covered. Our eBook series has several editions that can help your game and contains a comprehensive guide on How to Improve your Game with Data. This blog will provide […]
Gain a New Course Advantage with Shot Scope’s MyStrategy

The golfing season is rapidly approaching here in the UK and here is how you can gain a new course advantage with MyStrategy before teeing it up next. Is it a new driver? A new training aid? Some expensive gadget that will revolutionise your golf game? No, no, and no – partly. No, it’s not […]
How many greens do amateur golfers hit?

It will come as no surprise that hitting more greens positively impacts your overall performance on the golf course – but just how many greens do amateur golfers hit? Here we have a baseline overview of greens hit per round: Handicap 0 5 10 15 20 25 GIR% 62% 46% 35% 23% 16% 9% Greens […]
Reduce your Handicap – 10hcp Law of Averages

For the next edition in our Law of Averages series, we look at some top level statistics and averages for a 10hcp golfer. Previously we have looked at the stats of 15hcp, 20hcp, and 25hcp golfers and seen how the top level stats change from one handicap to the next. Here we have the stats […]
Four reasons you aren’t getting better at golf

Have you been playing golf for a long time and don’t seem to be making any improvements? Here are Four reasons why you might not be getting better at golf. You don’t track your game Performance tracking is one of the few proven methods of improving your game, on average Shot Scope users record a […]
Surprising Statistics on amateur golfers – Scratch Golfers

Scratch golfers, they can do no wrong and hit every shot perfectly – think again! This article will highlight that despite being great players, they are human and have some stats that might just surprise you. Chance of getting inside 15ft from 150y Shots from 150 yards come with mixed success for all golfers and […]
Reduce your Handicap – 15hcp Law of Averages

For the third edition of the Law of Averages blog series, we take a closer look at the stats of a 15hcp golfer offering insight into their game and some comparisons to lower players. Previously we have looked at the stats of a 20hcp golfer and a 25 handicapper. We will work our way down […]