How many greens should you hit from 150 yards?

Approach shots 150 yards

Should you be as disappointed missing a green from 150 yards and in? We look at the typical golfer’s likelihood of hitting the green within 150 yards. We have all missed our fair share of greens from inside 150 yards and it is extremely frustrating, but should it be? Using Shot Scope data on the […]

Is there such a thing as a good miss?

Feature Image Credit: NMK Studio / Shutterstock shutterstock_2383694535-780x520 Bunker shot

We take a closer look at how the location of your miss impacts your scoring. How does lie type affect the typical amateurs golf game when they miss the target, comparing scoring averages from the rough, fairway, and bunkers.  If you track your stats with a Shot Scope performance tracking product you have contributed to […]

How to Custom Fit your Golf Game Practice

Cover Image: Soonthorn Wongsaita / ShutterStock shutterstock_693613882-754x520 Golf Practice

Practice without purpose or direction, you could argue, isn’t really practice! Here is how Shot Scope can help custom fit your next range session to make some serious improvements. If you are simply hitting balls with no goal then there is no way of knowing whether or not your efforts are working, the biggest deterrent […]

Walker Cup and Golf Career Q&A with Gavin Dear

Gavin Dear Walker Cup

With the Walker Cup taking place this weekend, we thought it was about time Gavin, former Walker Cup player and Shot Scope Chief Commercial Officer, shared his unique experience with the rest of us!  Humble in his golfing achievements, it was only when prompted that Gavin, currently playing to +3, revealed some of the incredible […]

The Average Golfer – What to use to get Up and Down

shutterstock_1345344080-780x438 Cover Image: NazaBasirun / ShutterStock

One of the major keys to lower scoring is hitting greens in regulation, but this isn’t always easy. Inevitably, over the course of your round you will miss a few greens and need to get up and down to save your par, so which clubs should the average golfer use?  We will look at up […]

5 Methods of Performance Tracking

5 Methods of Performance tracking

If you are not aware of the movement in golf towards performance tracking then allow this to be your introduction. In a game of fine margins, finding the competitive edge can be attributed to a collection of smaller things. Lower scoring is not achieved through one grand change, but rather is found in the finer […]