Shot Scope app update

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Shot Scope App and Dashboard Update

The Shot Scope mobile app and web dashboard have undergone some changes both in terms of features and functionality to give golfers a seamless user experience – update your app now!

Below you will find a full breakdown of how to navigate the app as well as supporting videos to make sure you get the most out of your Shot Scope device and app.

To connect your device, tap the Bluetooth icon in the top right corner. Here we have the home screen a performance tracking user with recorded rounds will see:

Immediately players are greeted with their Strokes Gained spider diagram, visualising their last round performance as well as their previous rounds.

The spider diagram is a great addition to the app as it allows players to see a snapshot into their current form, with the ability to focus on specific areas by tapping the labels surrounding the diagram.

Using the handicap benchmark drop down to the right of the spider diagram will allow you to compare your strokes gained values against the various Shot Scope handicap benchmarks.

Your most recent recorded round is displayed below the spider diagram data, tapping on this allows you to review your performance on that individual round.

Within this you get the traditional stats for the round: score to par, FIR%, GIR%, and no. of putts taken. You will also have the opportunity to review the course for future Shot Scope users considering playing the course.

Below the course review block, you have Scoring Statistics where any new Records will appear as well as Course Analysis and a Strokes Gained breakdown. There is a load more stats button which will bring up round and season comparison tables for:

  • Average Driving Distance
  • Fairways in Regulation
  • Greens in Regulation
  • Up and Down %
  • Putts Per Round

You can also look at a hole by hole breakdown for your latest round in this menu which shows where shots were played from and gives them a Strokes Gained value.

The course analysis feature which can be found on the main app screen or within the latest round menu allows you to dissect how you play each hole and the course itself.

Players can see their average score, total Strokes Gained, and number of rounds played at the course before looking at each individual hole. The holes that make up the course receive a SG Rank, Rank, Strokes Gained value, and average score showing how you tackle the hole

Easy access to Shot Scope features

Below the Latest Round section, you will a home for some of our game-changing features like MyStrategy, Course Analysis, GPS Maps, Add Manual Round, and Course Preview.

Shot Scope’s MyStrategy feature allows performance tracking users to overlay their performance data on any hole, on any course, from our database of over 36,000 courses worldwide. 

Add Manual Round allows players to record a round even when they forget their shot tracking device. Golfers will be able to retrospectively add their shots and receive the statistics they would normally receive had they worn their device.

What are Records?

Records replace medals and come in several forms – Streak, Round, Shot, Month, and Year Records all of which can be found within the Records section of the app. Once a round has been edited and signed off, any records that been broken, set, or extended will appear in the post round data summary.

With the addition of Records, the rounds screen looks slightly different. Any round that is record breaking will now receive an icon next to it signalling its significance in your golfing career.
Tapping on the record breaking round will take you into the round overview where you can look at what records were broken or extended as well as the round’s statistics.

Shot Scope literature

The Shot Scope eBook series and Blog can now easily be accessed at the bottom of the home screen allowing players to enjoy various pieces of content covering a variety of topics.

Shot Scope Academy

At the very bottom of the main home screen, players can now find a Shot Scope registered coach in the nearby area. Shot Scope Academy bridges the gap between player and coach through on course performance data.

Save time and money on your lessons by using data to target the areas of your game that are costing you strokes.

iOS: 3.0.17

Android: 4.2.0

Please note that for certain users the home screen will look slightly different depending on what stage of their Shot Scope journey they are on – CONNEX users primarily.

Now instead of tapping the blue plus icon, CONNEX users will see a ‘Play’ button at the bottom of the screen, simply tap here to start a round, add a manual round, or preview a course. 

New to CONNEX, plays like distances are now available taking into account elevation changes – this feature cannot be used in tournament play.

However, upon the completion of your first signed off round, the home screen layout will update and look the same as the one we walked through at the start of the blog.

Please note that depending on your region it may take up to 24hrs for the update to become available on your device.

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