Putting performance by age

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Putters: Are older or younger golfers better putters?

Comparing putting stats across various age groups to discover what age groups are the better putters.

Shot Scope are able to analyse putting statistics in detail, thanks to the PinCollect feature on all performance tracking products.

PinCollect allows users to identify the exact location of the pin on the green, this then enables highly accurate putting stats to be generated such as putt length, putts per round, miss short or long and much more.

The image below outlines the number of putts per round by age group. The line highlights that there is a spike in number of putts per round at 20-29, compared with other ages and identifies that 50-59 year old golfers have the lowest putts per round.

The number of 3 putts per round is similar to the above graph. 20-29 year old golfers have the most 3 putts per round, average 3.4 three putts per 18 holes.

Again in this statistic, 50-59 year old shows the lowest number of 3 putts at 2.1 per 18 holes.

Holing out is one of the key strengths of goof putters. If you can hole out well inside 6ft, you will likely be able to improve your putts per round and reduce the number of 3 putts in a round.

The graph below highlights which age groups are the best putters inside 6ft.


  • The trend is very similar in the first 2 graphs 20-29 year olds are the worst putters. They have the most putts per round and the highest number of 3 putts per round too.
  • Make % from 6ft is a little more evenly spread. However 40-69 year old is where the most 6ft putts are holed.
  • Overall putts per round and 3 putts per round are lower in older golfers.

Why are older golfers better putters?

Perhaps the older golfers are more used to playing, have more experience and are subsequently, better at green reading.

Older golfers will have a more consistent putting stroke, simply because they have been playing longer and have been repeating the same action for a longer period of time, compared with younger / newer golfers.

This also makes older players better at holing out inside 6ft, also making them less likely to 3 putt.

Younger golfers may be slightly weaker putters for a number of reasons. Perhaps they have only recently taken up the game, and therefore have less experience and understanding about putting.

Putting is a skill that is developed over time. The more experience you a golfer has under their belt the better they can be a putting.

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